Group Strategy
During 2012 the Board and management defined ADCB’s risk appetite and developed a detailed set of strategic plans that will enable each of our businesses to achieve the Bank’s strategic aspirations in the period to 2016.

Our ambition: Creating the most valuable bank in the UAE


At a group level:

  • We provide strong governance on operational and strategic performance
  • We manage our financial performance
  • We manage our capital
  • We build the corporate brand
  • We ensure we remain true to our values
  • We ensure we deliver on our commitments to all our key stakeholders, including governments, regulators, shareholders, communities, and our staff

Our business and our strategy

In 2011 we set ourselves five key strategic aspirations:

  • Deliver strong profits and profitability as measured by return on equity (ROE)
  • Deliver consistent and attractive shareholder returns as measured by total shareholder return (TSR)
  • Develop resilience and deliver low earnings volatility as measured by earnings per share (EPS)
  • Develop and capture sustainable efficiency as measured by cost to income ratio (CIR)
  • Be perceived as the bank of choice by our customers as measured by customer loyalty and satisfaction (CS)

To deliver against these aspirations, we developed a detailed five-year strategy to get us there.