Operational Review | Treasury & Investments
Customer satisfaction
reaches 94%*

Treasury and Investments Group successfully navigated turbulent international market conditions, closing 2012 with several milestone achievements. Net profits grew by 29% year-on-year while operating income increased by 5%. The sustained liquidity and capital position improvements are all products of the continuous collaboration with customers, and ongoing investment in staff, systems, and technology.

Working closely with customer contact areas across the Bank, investment and risk management products continue to be developed and delivered to the broader client base by Treasury. Treasury’s Bond Trading Desk, Wholesale Banking Group, and Consumer Banking Group all collaborated to structure, execute, and custodise a number of large bond orders on behalf of the Bank’s clients. ADCB continues to be a premier provider of Islamic and conventional financial products and solutions.

Recent market research by Ipsos Stat (Emirates) measured overall satisfaction levels among Treasury clients at 94%.

A cross-functional team comprising Finance, Market Risk Management, and Treasury contributed to implementing internationally recognised state-of-the-art balance sheet management software. This vastly upgraded the Bank’s asset-liability and liquidity management capabilities.

New products and services introduced during the year included the first repo product programme, issuing an offshore Chinese renminbi denominated paper and a conventional Swiss franc denominated transaction. ADCB also completed its longest ever issuance
(25-year term).

* IPSOS Stat (Emirates)

The sustained liquidity and capital position improvements are all products of the continuous collaboration with customers, and ongoing investment in staff, systems, and technology.

Recent market research by Ipsos Stat (Emirates) measured overall satisfaction levels among Treasury clients at 94%.

A cross-functional team comprising Finance, Market Risk Management, and Treasury contributed to implementing internationally recognised state-of-the-art balance sheet management software.