What you need to know

  • What

    What is a budget?

    A list of income and expenses used to allocate money to activities within a specific timeframe.

  • Why

    Why is it useful?

    Provides a clear picture of your financial future.

    Prevents overspending, getting into too much debt, neglecting savings or not achieving financial goals.

    Shows your spending habits.

    Helps you resist external pressures, social media and advertising.

    Helps develop greater financial discipline.

  • How

    How to create a budget?

    Complete each of the sections in the Budget Worksheet.

    Have receipts and bank statements on hand if possible.

    Make the budget as detailed as possible.

    Expenses should be lower than income.

    Check if your expenses are “needs” or “wants”. Cut back on wants.

Tips on budgeting

  • Be patient

    and stick to your budget.

  • Pay yourself first

    by saving a fixed amount before spending.

  • Set aside funds

    for emergencies, debt reduction and “wants”.

  • Emergency funds

    should be 3-6 months of your salary.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to plan your budget

Specially designed activities that can help you practically improve your money management practices.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • Only 24% of UAE residents have saved enough to survive without a salary for 4 months.1

  • 42% of UAE residents don’t know how to create a budget.2

1 The ASDA’A Burson - Marsteller Arab Youth Survey, 2010 - 2011.

2 Financial Literacy Survey, ADCED 2009.

What you need to know

  • Why

    Why are savings important?

    By saving early and regularly, you can build a reliable base that will help you achieve your financial goals in time.

    • Unexpected expences

      Prepare for setbacks & opportunities.

    • Living the dream

      Make your dreams a reality.

    • Financial independence

      Peace of mind.

    • Self-confidence

      Success as you see it.

    Why set savings goals?

    • Goals are a tool to effectively manage and structure savings.
    • The ‘SMART’ saving strategy creates a clear picture of your future.
  • What

    What is a ‘SMART’ goal?

    Each letter in ‘SMART’ describes a feature of good financial goals. Ask yourself the following questions to set a SMART goal for yourself too.


    • Who is involved?
    • What do you want to accomplish?
    • Why are you pursuing these goals?
    • Where will it be done?
    • Which requirements and constraints exist?


    • How much?
    • How many?
    • How will I know when my goal is accomplished?


    • How can the goal be accomplished?
    • How realistic is the goal based on existing limitations?


    • Does this effort seem worthwhile?
    • Is this the right time?
    • Does this match my other “needs”?
    • Can I afford it?


    • When?
    • What can I do six weeks from now?
    • What can I do six months from now?
    • What can I do today?

    Ask if a ‘SMART’ goal is a “NEED” or a “WANT”.
    “Needs” come first.


Zig Ziglar

Tips on SMART saving

  • Set aside funds

    for emergencies, debt reduction and “wants”.

  • Dormant money

    can be put to better use.

  • ADCB products

    and tools can help you achieve your goals.

  • Watch for savings tips

    on the Emirates Foundation’s Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to plan your budget

Specially designed activities that can help you practically improve your money management practices.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • Goals give you a target and SMART goals help you hit the bullseye.

  • ADCB products and tools can help you achieve your goals.

What you need to know

  • What

    What is a retirement plan?

    An essential tool to have the desired income or amount when you retire.

    Your target amount is based on regular savings, ideal retirement, inflation etc.

    Requires a disciplined long-term and balanced investment approach.

    The earlier you start planning, the lower your contributions.

  • When

    When should you invest?

    Start investing early and let compound interest work for you.

    Only invest after:

    - You have your finance in order.

    - Your spending is managed effectively.

    - Avoid letting income savings sit dormant.

  • Where

    Where should you invest?

    Stocks can offer higher returns over the long term but also higher risk.

    Bonds are more stable but with lower possible returns.

    Money market funds and certificates of deposit can work for the short-term.

    Managed funds are managed by professionals who decide on the mix and timing.

    Property investments (other than home ownership) can be profitable too.

Tips on future planning

  • Seek guidance from an expert finance advisor

    to understand your risk profile.

  • Review your plan regularly

    for necessary investment switches.

  • Use a standing order

    to regularly pay into a plan.

  • Begin a college fund

    when your child is young, to save a substantial amount.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to plan your budget

Specially designed activities that can help you practically improve your money management practices.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • Some studies have shown that financial habits take root from as early as age seven.

  • A family with a savings plan will save about twice as much as a family that doesn’t have one.

What you need to know

  • Why

    Why is it important to manage external pressures and influences?

    Social media and advertising can amplify desires to live a life of luxury and excess.

    External pressures can lead to impulse buying.

  • How

    How do external pressures influence?

    Temptations can lead you to spend beyond your means.

    Social media has developed a culture of competition to impress peers.

    Advertising is geared to influence your spending.

  • What

    What tools help resist these pressures?

    Retrospection – do you really “need” it? Can you afford it? Is it SMART?

    Look at advertisements with a questioning eye.

    Get all necessary information before you purchase.

    These questions are even more important when borrowing for non-essentials.

    Keeping financial goals in mind helps resist impulse buying.

Tips on handling external pressures

  • Limit social media data

    to save on bills and your time.

  • Manage social media wisely

    to reduce stress and pressure.

  • View educational content

    that doesn’t encourage purchase.

  • Ask yourself

    if you truly “need” the item.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to plan your budget

Specially designed activities that can help you practically improve your money management practices.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • Social media has created the “envy spiral effect” where people beef up their profiles to compete with others. This creates a vicious cycle which affects money management behaviours.

  • 91% of all retail brands advertise on two or more social media channels.

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