What you need to know

  • What

    What are the different types of FINANCE options?

    Credit cards

    Car loans/finance

    Personal loans/finance

    Educational loans/finance

    Mortgage/home finance

    Bank overdraft

  • Why

    Why is getting a loan/finance important?

    Allows you to buy expensive items before you have all the required funds.

    Can help you manage your life stage needs.

    Commonly used for bigger purchases like cars, homes or an education.

  • How

    How can you borrow responsibly?

    Different loan/financing products carry different borrowing costs, some higher some lower.

    Choose the right product for the right “need” (e.g. home finance to buy a home).

    Shop around for the best interest/profit rates.

    Disciplined repayment helps establish good credit.

Tips on loans/financing

  • Limit the amount

    to only borrow what you need.

  • Repay affordably

    by choosing instalments that fit your budget.

  • Don’t fund a lifestyle

    you cannot afford.

  • Use a ‘SMART’ goal approach

    to save money for big purchases.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to borrow the right way

Specially designed activities that can help you borrow responsibly.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • Credit cards usually have higher interest/profit rates than other forms of credit, like personal loans/financing.

  • You can check your credit history through the UAE Credit Bureau.

What you need to know

  • Why

    Why is it important to repay debt on time?

    Missed payments attract penalty fees and can get out of control.

    Disciplined repayment helps establish good credit. This can affect your future ability to borrow.

  • What

    What are some tools for effective debt management?

    Pay at least the minimum on time to ensure you are within your limit.

    If possible, pay more than required to be debt-free earlier.

    Budget for a disciplined debt payment and savings plan.

    Prioritise smaller debts and debts with higher rates first.

Tips on managing debt

  • Avoid high interest penalties

    by settling credit cards within the interest-free period.

  • Be on time

    when you make repayments.

  • Reduce expenses

    and use the difference to pay down debt.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to borrow the right way

Specially designed activities that can help you borrow responsibly.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • It’s considered acceptable to use 5-10% of income on planned credit repayments (excluding home finance).

  • Defaulting on debt in the UAE can lead to fines or imprisonment and may make getting a job difficult.

What you need to know

  • How

    How can you manage consumer spending?

    Aim to keep your expenses well below your income.

    Budget how much you spend between each salary.

    Plan ahead for large purchases and separate the "wants" from "needs".

    If you do borrow, carefully choose the right credit product.

    Consider interest rates, charges, full payback amount etc.

  • What

    What to do if you run into debt problems?

    Don’t evade, but recognise the problem and ask an ADCB representative for assistance.

    Prioritize repaying debts with higher rates first.

    Find ways to reduce expenses such as more affordable accommodation, energy savings etc.

Tips on debt strategies

  • Cut ‘luxuries’ first

    and make other sensible changes too.

  • Switch to less

    less-expensive brands, eat out less, choose holidays that cost less.

  • Sell unwanted items

    and add to your income.

  • Remember to check

    ”needs” vs “wants”.

  • Contact ADCB

    at adcb.com or speak with a representative to learn more.

Use our toolkit to borrow the right way

Specially designed activities that can help you borrow responsibly.

Visit our toolkit

Did you know?

  • When travelling abroad, cash is cost effective but credit cards can be more secure because they often cover problems like theft or loss.

  • Using your debit card in another bank’s ATM machine often attracts charges.

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