Stakeholder Engagement

We recognise the importance of working in partnership with all our stakeholder groups. By collaborating with each of the groups that play a part in our daily business activities, we help to ensure that ADCB is more effective, efficient and resilient.

The Board has outlined its intention in 2019, to create deeper and more meaningful engagement with our diverse stakeholder groups. We want more regular, two-way communication between the Bank and our stakeholders to bring even greater clarity to our purpose and so that we can better benefit from the experience and advice of all those we work with.


We regard those who influence or are influenced by our daily business activities as our key stakeholders. To that end, they are our customers, employees, community groups, suppliers, investors and regulators.


As you might expect, the subjects that are most important to each group are many and varied. These are some of the key issues that are of most interest to our stakeholders:

CUSTOMERS — customer satisfaction, products and services, digital access, security;

EMPLOYEES — culture, values, training, career opportunities;

COMMUNITY GROUPS — financial education and inclusion, local support;

SUPPLIERS — pricing, services, efficiency, fairness;

INVESTORS — financial performance, strategy, governance, risk management, sustainability; and

REGULATORS — compliance, banking trends, legislation.


Our methods of engagement vary depending on the stakeholder group and include a wide range of communication, from face to face meetings to written, verbal and broadcast communication, town hall sessions, presentations, reports, roadshows, forums, and more.


In 2019, we will provide a more detailed report on our engagement with these groups. We will identify the ways in which we engaged with each of them, how frequently we did so, the key topics raised, and the feedback received, as well as how we responded to them.