Capital Markets Private Share Registry
Your shareholders trusted you with investment. And with a Share Registrar, they expect both privacy and professionalism.
The bank's extensive experience in Capital Market services makes us the natural partner to handle all your Share Registry needs. We have managed companies with as few as 2 shareholders to as many as 90,000. Our Capital Markets representatives are trained to offer quality customer care services to your shareholders, keeping them informed, facilitating dividend payments, and conducting Share transfer transactions.
Since 2010, ADCB is the first bank in UAE to be authorized by Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) under the Share Registrar License # 4. We offer a complete range of Private Share Registry Services to Private Joint Stock Companies (Pvt. JSC) within the United Arab Emirates:
- Company’s Share Registrar Agent
- Management of the General Assembly Meetings
- Management of the Company’s Dividend Distribution (Via Manager Cheques, UAEFTS or Swift)
- Provide Customer Care to All Shareholders through ADCB Branches and Call Center
- Maintain Up-To-Date Data, Reports, Statements and Miscellaneous Transactions.
- Manage Share Transfer Transactions (Buy and/or Sell).
Let us handle your private share registry processes so you can handle creating shareholder value. We also offer services for General Assembly Meetings (GAM), and Dividends Distribution.
Contact us today to see how we can get you started.
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At ADCB Wealth Management, we are committed to growing your wealth.

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