
Use of the Calculators by you is at your risk. This regards the accuracy or correctness of the derived conclusions or results. Determination of a conclusion or result by use of the Calculators will not be binding on ADCB. ADCB makes no representation of the information contained on this Website, or otherwise provided. This relates to the accuracy, completeness or sureness of said information. ADCB disclaims any liability regarding the same. ADCB shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or liability. This includes ADCB's officers, employees, personnel, or directors. This includes any direct or indirect loss arising from the use of the Calculators. This includes loss arising from access to any displayed information.

Potential customers should consider all risks before choosing a financial product. They should consult (as necessary) any independent financial advisers. This includes legal, accounting, tax, and other advisers.

The information set out on this Website has come from a variety of sources. Regarding the data and other information on the Website, ADCB provides no guarantees or warranties. This is in respect of the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the data or other information. Any views, statements or representations on this Website do not necessarily reflect ADCB's opinions.

This website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. These may have been produced and provided by third parties independent of ADCB. ADCB does not have any connection or influence on such websites. ADCB references such websites to provide information on the location and content of such other websites. ADCB providing a hyperlink does not constitute a solicitation. Nor does it constitute authorisation, promotion, or participation of ADCB regarding these websites. This includes their owners, or the persons responsible for them. ADCB has not checked the information, software, or products of such third-party websites. Consequently, ADCB is and will not be liable for the content of such websites.

ADCB is not liable for the following:
Any loss, claim, demand, and/or liability which arises. This includes any issue that may arise from the use of information provided by and/or contained in such websites.